Just one example of many: Sean Hannity during the Bush administration excoriating the Dems for opposing the creation of an Orwellian surveillance state, and the same boyo during the Obama administration excoriating the Dems for creating the aforementioned surveillance state. A nice little video of this flat-headed flannelmouth ranting on both sides of the issue. And did you see ABC or CBS “news” calling him out for his Janus impression? Neither did anyone else, because they never did.

In addition to out-and-out partisan hacks like Hannity, we have the merely lazy hacks who do nothing but pass along the lies of our “representatives”. No fact-checking, nonono, none of that old0fashioned stuff.

This is the only article your humble correspondent could locate that actually dared to ask questions( like, say, “why do Teapublicans oppose criminal background checks for gun buyers as ‘intrusive’ but support the Patriot Act and other domestic surveillance initiatives?”) and didn’t simply repeat the B.S. that got handed down by the two-faced crooks and liars in DC. An excerpt;

“This bill is a clear overreach that will predominantly punish and harass our neighbors, friends, and family,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who voted against proceeding to debate the issue of gun control.

But on Tuesday, the Kentucky Republican defended the controversial NSA surveillance programs that sweep up data on phone calls and Internet activities, essentially making the case that the efforts are justified and legal.

Seen that on Fox, CNN, or another such “news” outlet? Yeah, we haven’t either. Such is life in the infotainment age. And let’s not forget the hysterical, hype-ridden “coverage” at the outset of this “scandal” that was ever-so-quietly “corrected” as the days went on. It’s getting to the point where we can trust our “news” media even less than we do Congress.

And if you’re less trustworthy than those partisan motherf***ers, you can’t be trusted at all.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky