20131119-083925.jpgThis is what you support when you shop at Wal-Mart: a company that is so abusive to its employees, it runs food drives for them instead of paying them enough to eat. From the article:

Norma Mills of Canton, who lives near the store, saw the photo circulating showing the food drive bins, and felt both “outrage” and “anger.”

“Then I went through the emotion of compassion for the employees, working for the largest food chain in America, making low wages, and who can’t afford to provide their families with a good Thanksgiving holiday,” said Mills, an organizer with Stand Up for Ohio, which is active in foreclosure issues in Canton. “That Walmart would have the audacity to ask low-wage workers to donate food to other low-wage workers — to me, it is a moral outrage.”

Your humble correspondent has worked some truly s***y jobs in his time: car washing, day-labor, chemical-tank cleaning, and so on. Many of these jobs were unsafe, and none of them paid well. But not even those scumballs could rival Wal-Mart’s epic lack of concern for their employees. Here’s a story from one of those aforementioned s***y jobs:

We had a guy working as a dishwasher who made enough to get by (barely), but he collapsed one day at work. Turns out he hadn’t eaten in two days, because his family ate all the food in the house, and there was nothing left for him when he got home from work. Did HR set up a demoralizing “food drive” in the break room? No, they did not. They created a one-off payroll deduction that went to a lunch fund that only the employee could use, to eat at the workplace cafeteria, thus guaranteeing the poor guy three meals a day.

This employer was not a particularly benevolent organization – in fact, they pretty much sucked overall. But they at least understood that it was in their own best interest to have their employees at least f***ing fed on a regular basis. Wal-Mart doesn’t even have that level of awareness.

When you give Wal-Mart your money, you are telling them that you approve of and endorse the (literally) starvation wages they pay. And if you are OK with starving working people to death just so you can save a penny on a pair of Spanx, well, you’re pretty s***y yourself.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky