is a good website to view if you’re interested in keeping your dollars local, and supporting small business in America. Or you can just find some small business in your area- restaurants, pharmacies, shops, service providers, etc.and give them your business. Or even find a small, independent online business to patronize – there are a lot of them.

As an alternative to feeding corporate beasts and bastards like Wal Mart, it’s a great thing to do on its face. As a way to keep your money close, it’s even better. As a way to reward the real entrepeneurs in our society, it’s unbeatable.

One small business example: This is where the Cranky Family earns part of its income, and it is a small business indeed. The Rumbleman is this writer’s nom de tune, and you can listen to samples of the songs there, and follow links to buy any of them that you like. That is a way to support small business, and to keep the songs and crankitude flowing.

Even if you don’t choose to buy a download, please give as much of your business to small businesses – today, and everyday.

(Yes, Small Business Saturday was started by American Express, and Mr. B & C says “f*** Amex”, 99.9% of the time. But this initiative is a good idea.)

Mr. Blunt and Cranky