You can’t make this stuff up. Witness the stench emanating from this GOP Senatorial candidate:

South Texas businessman Chris Mapp, 53, told this editorial board that ranchers should be allowed to shoot on sight anyone illegally crossing the border on to their land, referred to such people as “wetbacks,” and called the president a “socialist son of a bitch.”

After being called on his racist, inciting, and un-American position statement, he not only didn’t disavow it, he turned it up to eleven:

Mapp, 53, first made the remarks at an editorial board meeting with the Dallas Morning News last week, but told the San Antonio Express-News on Friday that using the derogatory term for Mexican immigrants is as “normal as breathing air in South Texas.”

Racism. Urging people to commit murder. Trash-talking the President. THAT, Gentle Reader, is the “Republican” party today. Vote for them if you are also a racist, criminal, seditious son of a bitch.

Otherwise, vote them out until the party decides to rejoin Planet Consensus Reality, obey the law, and respect our Constitution.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky