Let’s just take the guilt as given, shall we? Craven Cliven Bundy has been found guilty of any number of crimes by a court of law. He has committed more crimes since then in the full view of TV cameras.

And his Moocher Militia has been videoed and photographed (including by themselves) committing acts of treason, insurrection, sedition, interfering with law enforcement in the performance of their duties, incitement, intimidation, theft, and trespassing. It’s pretty much open and shut, innit? They, like their mooching Rancher buddy, are guilty as shit.
The evidence is overwhelming.

And they are turning it up to 11 now that the BLM caved. Yes, they had serious, valid concerns about a bloodbath. But surely there was something between mass killing and total surrender? Between picking the guilty to triumph over the law-abiding?

That’s what happened, and please don’t pretend otherwise. Here is one bit from the local news:

They were equally hostile to journalists covering the story. Pistol-packing militia men have blocked 8 News NOW’s access to public roads. Some poured lighter fluid around our news vehicle while others got physical.

And here are militia members threatening people who are just trying to drive across roads they paid for:



The government showed mercy to the guilty, and now the innocent are suffering at thir hands. Sure, the government says, they will deal with these terrorist motherfuckers someday. And while the authorities sit with their heads in the sand and their thumbs up their asses, the people they are sworn to protect are at the mercy of a load of armed, homicidal, deranged lunatics.

Mercy to the guilty, cruelty to the innocent. True in Adam Smith’s time, and it’s true in Nevada today, too.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky