a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.

Emma Watson is being attacked by terrorists at 4chan (see the definition above) for saying that men and women should work together to improve the relationship between men and women. Evidently such a statement of common sense is now a threat to rape freaks, pedophiles, and other woman-hating scumballs, so those members of 4chan fitting that description issued terroristic threats against Ms. Watson:

Over the weekend, Harry Potter actress Emma Watson delivered an impassioned speech aimed at ending gender inequality — to which group 4chan responded by creating a site called “Emma You Are Next,” which alleges to count down the time until a 4chan user will release nude photographs of her.

“The more I have spoken about feminism, the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with ‘man-hating,’” Watson said. “If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. For the record, feminism, by definition, is ‘the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.’”

Such elements have made Watson a target of intense interest, of which the 4chan site “Emma You Are Next” is merely the latest instance. The site includes a countdown clock set to four days from Monday, September 22; an image of Watson wiping away tears; and the message, “Never forget, the biggest to come thus far.”

For preaching equality, the motherf***ers at 4chan are using threats in order to punish this actress, and try to silence her. Got that? She is merely reinforcing what is in the friggin’ Constitution, ferchrissakes. But to serial rapists and other sex offenders, that is a bad thing.

Here are a few pictures of other terrorists who also hate equality:




This, Gentle Reader, is what happens to anyone who speaks out against terrorism and in favor of the rule of law: terrorists attack the speaker. Whether it’s beheadings, rape, beatings, public shaming, or unjust incarceration, terrorists do not like being called out for their terrorist acts, and they are s***-scared of those who stand up to them.

No wonder Anonymous bailed on 4chan. What a bunch of needle-d***ed, wussy, woman-hating, terrorist jerkoffs. Go, Emma. We, the non-psychopaths of the world, support you and salute you.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky