Granted, a lot of people don’t like the President. Mr. Blunt and Cranky would venture to say that this has likely been true of every President. And during the reign of Bush the Dumber, many people on the Left and in the Center waxed quite wroth at his every action. Indeed, individuals of many political persuasions said some pretty inflammatory things, sometimes inviting visits from those polite, clean-cut Secret Service boyos (you, know, the ones with the Matrix-style earpieces). It got scary at times, indeed it did, the things that were said and the way in which they were said.

But things are different today: instead of individuals advocating resistance and/or revolution (armed and otherwise) against the lawful authorities, we have government officials urging such actions. One example of loud-mouthed politicos speaking thus:

Short version for the link-averse:

A local judge is convinced that Obama will marshal the troops of the United Nations and lead them to his little pisspot of a Texas town to take it over.

First of all, why in Hell would anyone want to do so? And secondly, how could anyone who has watched the United Nations believe that it could agree upon such a course of action? The U.N. can’t agree on what to have for lunch or who should pick up the check, ferchrissakes: they are going to agree on taking over the United States and who would fund such an operation? Puh-leeze.

There is a larger issue in play here: instead of concerned citizens  talking smack against the government, it is governmental officials talking smack against the government. Government against government. The last time we heard this type of bluster, one government organization promising to shoot the s*** out of another government organization?

Oh, it was a little tiff in the middle 1800’s. The Civil War. You might have heard of it.

To all the blowhard paranoid conspiracy theorists who are currently threatening armed revolt while also sucking on the taxpayers’ collective teat: shut the f***ing f*** up, mother***ers. You are paid to be part of government, not to destroy it. There are words for people like you: treasonous, seditious, traitorous…little pleasantries like that.

Mr. B & C