As Mr. Blunt and Cranky has been ranting all week, we in America are in danger of a revolutionary civil war so horrifying, it would put Edgar Allen Poe off his lunch.  Said conflict seeming inevitable due to the determined lack of action amongst America’s new (and not entirely Constitutional) ruling class of Politicians, Plutocrats and Pundits (three buckets of Pee running the country. And we wonder why things stink).

There are things we, the citizens of the United States can do to make this an “evitable” conflict. Simple things that require us to open our hearts and minds, work together, and stick to our task. Things that, alas, we have not been doing of late:

Thing Number A: Recognize that we are being played. Taken for a ride. Conned. Used like a crack whore at a biker party. Yep, that’s America in 2012: the Three Pees have been doing all that and more to us for decades now, and until we admit it to ourselves, we cannot do anything about it. Our media is largely comprised of biased, fact-challenged profit-centered pundits, and far too many of us listen and believe without question. Our employers are piling up cash that they have removed from our paychecks, pensions and benefits. Our elected “representatives” are mostly bought-and-paid-for tools of whichever lobbyist has the biggest wads of cash.  All of these people are screwing us, laughing behind their faces the while.

Almost NONE of our major institutions currently have the best interests of the American People at heart. Until you accept this reality, you are trapped.

Thing Letter Two: Money has infiltrated and corrupted virtually every institution in America. That means only people with money get what they want. And since most of us don’t have lots of money, the majority of taxpaying Americans get bupkis for our contributions to the system. We need to yank the snouts of our Politicos out of the money troughs in which they currently grunt and snuffle. We need to demand that our media give us fact-based news coverage by taking away the profit motive that currently drives the “content” we are being fed. We need to insist that people earn a living wage: that alone could take a big bite out of the deficit, as well as helping to stabilize our society.

Thing The Third: Hold our “Representatives” to account. Currently, we keep re-electing these slimeballs regardless of how corrupt they are, how they screw us, and how little they accomplish. If the electorate would simply vote out the worst of the bunch, that would help “induce” the remainder to, you know, actually work for us for a change.

None of the above ideas is rocket science; in fact, they are not original. They are things we all say we should be doing. But we haven’t been doing them, and since we have been lazy, things are rapidly heading towards an increasingly bleak and potentially nation-wrecking crisis. But if we actually do the needful, we can turn that “inevitable” cataclysm into a renewed, strong, peaceful and prosperous nation.

Mr. B & C