then He would not be barred from school buildings because of the quantity of teacher-led prayers therein: He would be there anyway.

And if God’s love lasts forever, He wouldn’t bail out on us because we failed to tattoo the Ten Commandments on the foreheads of each and every student: He would be there anyway.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky was raised to believe these things, and is sure most other People of the Book were as well. So when he sees stupid T-Shirts like this one:Image

The Cranky One gets even crankier. Because these people seem to think we mortals can order God about. Like, whaaaaaat? Plus, the shirt-makers did not capitalize  “You”. Idiots.

We are not more powerful than God,  and cannot “allow Him in schools”. Either God is omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal, or He isn’t. You can’t have it both ways.

Mr. B & C