Back in those storied days of Yesteryear, Mr. Blunt and Cranky didn’t mind paying his taxes. Not as much, anyway. And the reason for his hitherto tolerant attitude was this: he could see the value returned for his “investment” of tax dollars.

Roads and bridges were better maintained, our food and medicines were protected, we had plenty of cops and firefighters, our soldiers got the medical care they needed, and so on. The average taxpayer seeing the benefits of his or her hard-earned.

Today, not so much. Our taxes are redistributed to crooks and cronies who sock it away in offshore tax-free accounts, and we are told we can’t have even the most basic services that we have paid for, because “there isn’t enough money”. Too bloody right there isn’t, because Congress and their partners in crime have stolen it all.

Supply-Side economics and corruption have bankrupted our nation, and the recipients of our unwitting largesse are lolling about in their gated communities, laughing at the lot of us who continue to keep playing their game. We pay more, and get less. They pay nothing, and get everything.

Enough of this: it is time to tell our “representatives” to spend our tax dollars on things the taxpayers have paid for. Donald Trump has gotten his stack of bennies, and doesn’t need any more government handouts.

We, on the other hand, deserve to get what we have paid. That is not an unreasonable request.

Mr. B &C