Here is story of parents who have now killed two of their own children via “faith healing”. They prayed over 8-month-old Brandon instead of taking him to the doctor, and the poor little kid died.

They did this while being on probation after having done this before. Yes, they prayed another child right into the grave a few years back. They are now the murderers of two innocent children, but are not in jail.

Anybody else, anybody else, who had killed two children would be locked up. But not these two. Because why? Because God told them to do it, that’s why.

This is why we need a strong separation of church and state: so criminals can’t get away with murder by claiming a religious defense. If these two loons had been locked up for life after they killed their 2-year-old son Kent in 2009, they wouldn’t have been able to kill little Brandon last week.

It should make no difference if a parent (or anyone else) is high on Meth or high on Jesus: killing kids is killing kids.

Hopefully, this time, the “justice system” will live up to its name, and lock these two child-abusing scumbuckets up for a hundred years. Or maybe two: one for each of their victims.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky