When kids got booted out of Head Start, Congress did nothing about the Sequester. When little old ladies had their dinners taken away, Congress did nothing about the Sequester. It did not hurt them, after all.

Now that the FAA had to cut staffing levels in compliance with the Sequestration law that Congress passed, and flights are being delayed, Congress suddenly is doing something about the Sequester. Because they are being hurt by it.

You see, very few Senators and Congresscritters (if any) have kids in Head Start, or parents who get Meals on Wheels. But they fly. And their staffs fly. And, most significantly, the people who bribe them their campaign contributors fly. And so the Senate quickly passed a law that would alleviate the FAA’s staffing problems, thus helping to eliminate flight delays.

The poor, the young, the elderly, and the powerless? Tough rocks for them, they still get bupkis. But the politicians and the people who pull their strings? They will be taken care of.

That is all for today: your humble correspondent must go and barf.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky