Archives for posts with tag: poverty

According to a recent poll, Ohio’s GOPee Guv John Kasich has a large number of Democrats voting for him. The percentage of such idiot voters is sufficient to provide a comfortable margin of victory. Thousands of Dems have said that they will vote for a thieving, lying, union-busting, woman-hating Wall Street motherf***ing “Republican”.

By so doing, those Dems will enable thievery, lying, starvation, forced births, pollution, contract violations, voter suppression, and income inequality to not only continue, but become even more prevalent. Think about that for a second, Gentle Reader. These are Teapublican values and policies, being supported by alleged Dem Voters.

This is the story of the 2014 midterms, friends: in spite of every evil deed, every crime against humanity, GOP candidates are projected to win. Why? Because a s***load of voters who should know better will make some truly stupid choices.

Stupid choices like voting for Teapubbies, casting protest votes in close races, or just not voting at all. That is how “Republicans” win. It ain’t just vote-rigging, corruption and bribery that enables the Repub Reign of Error: some Democrats are partially culpable.

Please do your part: vote smart. If enough people do so, we can pull off an upset. Smart rarely triumphs over stupid, but it can happen, if enough smart people take the time to vote smart.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

No, not at all a coincidence. The numbers prove it: anywhere Repubs run things, life sucks for 99% of the people. And it’s hard numbers here, Gentle Reader, not “feelings”:

In order to review well-being at the regional level, the OECD used only objective data in its report, rather than existing survey data. Brezzi noted that current international studies that ask people for their opinion on important measures of well-being often do not have enough data to be broken down by region.

For example, one of the nine measures, health, is based on the mortality rate and life expectancy in each region, rather than on asking people if they feel well. Similarly, another determinant of well-being, safety, is measured by the homicide rate rather than personal responses as to whether people feel safe where they live.

The results show: the redder the state, the more religious cray-cray they have in government, the more Repubs in power…well then, the more loudly that state will suck. Case closed. Repub policies are a recipe for failure.

Don’t vote for Repubs. Vote AGAINST Repubs. Unless, of course, you LIKE poverty, dead kids, s***y streets and crap in every aspect of your life. Because it has been proven that Repubs will give you just that.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

He and his fellow racist, bigoted, partisan, Ayn-Rand-worshiping , Teabagging “Republican” Supreme Court “Justices” pretty obviously want to disenfranchise every person of color who does not sit on the high court. Yesterday’s “f*** those poor black voters” ruling is just the latest example:

“Tens of thousands of North Carolina voters, especially African-American voters, have relied on same-day registration, as well as the counting of ballots that were cast out of precinct, for years,” Barber said in a statement. “As the appeals court correctly concluded, eliminating these measures will cause irreparable harm of denying citizens their right to vote in the November election – a right that, once lost, can never be restored.”

Despite the Supreme Court ruling, Barber said, the NAACP and other organizations plan to make “sure that, county by county, as many votes as possible are counted despite the barriers posed by the Supreme Court’s ruling.”

Prior rulings in Ohio and indeed, nationwide, demonstrate that the Roberts Court has a 100% racist agenda when it comes to voting. The “conservatives” ALWAYS vote to f*** people of color. Even when they themselves are POC, people like Clarence “Uncle” Thomas do all they can to oppress and abuse others.

And the most disgusting aspect of this loathesome man, beyond his massive hypocrisy, is his near-sociopathic greed, lust, and lack of concern about anyone but himself. He has been a huge beneficiary of Affirmative Action, but wants no one else to get those benefits. He has profited greatly by Civil Rights laws, but wishes to deny those benefits  to anyone else.

The other four “Justices” who routinely vote to turn non-white American citizens back into slaves (Alito, Scalia, Roberts, and Kennedy) are, of course, white, so their racism, classism, and discriminatory actions are to be expected from scum such as they. But for a black man to oppress other black people, and to do so with such consistency and enthusiasm, is truly inhuman and borders on the demonic.

And what is the quickest and best way to turn people of color back into second-class citizens? Why, taking away their access to the polls, of course. Clarence “Uncle” Thomas knows this, and that is why he rules as he does. Take away the voting rights from black citizens, and they won’t truly be citizens any longer.

People of color need to vote. They need to vote for politicians who don’t hate minorities, so that future Supreme Court jurists are worthy of being called “Justices”. Without the scarequotes.

Because “Republicans” put that bastard Uncle Thomas on the court. Given the chance, they’ll put more black-hating motherf***ers up there with him. Vote, while you still can. Against the racist Republican  motherf***ers like “Uncle” Thomas.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

That is the deal, Cranky Nation: for years, places like McDonald’s, Walmart and suchlike have been paying such low wages, even their best workers are obliged to use taxpayer-funded services like food stamps, HEAP, and medical cards to keep a roof over their heads. It’s gotten to be so common, even bank workers are frequently on public assistance. Banks. Where the money is. Even they won’t pay their people a living wage.

That means, in short, these businesses are making we, the taxpayers, pay their bills, while they pad their bank accounts. Your tax dollars, being stolen to pay the bills that businesses are too greedy to pay themselves. That means higher taxes for all of us, meaning less money in our pockets.

The issue of low wages isn’t one that only affects the workers: it hits almost every American taxpayer in the wallet, too. Tired of having your pocket picked? Tired of politicos and nabobs transferring your hard-earned to their offshore bank accounts?

Then support an increase in the minimum wage. Even if you don’t give a s*** about your fellow man, it’s in your own best interest.

Lower taxes. Higher wages. It’s a win-win. Support it.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Nader is a millionaire dilletante arsewipe who took lots of money and assistance from the “Republicans”, deliberately damaged the Democrats, and alternately admitted it and lied about it repeatedly in 2000 and 2004. He hoped ( and said so) that Bush would defeat Gore and Kerry, and worked to make that happen.

Never mind the many thousands who would suffer or die as a result of his actions: Nader wanted a Bush presidency that would be so bad, so destructive, so injurious to the populace that Nader’s own political fortunes would be enhanced. And he got the cataclysm he wanted. In fact, we all got that cataclysm, even though the rest of us didn’t want it (because WE suffered, while his wealthy, privileged a** suffered not one bit). Of course, he didn’t get the political throne he coveted, and thank God for such small favors: but the damage he wrought via the illegal and illegitimate Bush “Presidency” remains with us to this day.

And when he is challenged on his idiotic, un-American, Left-betraying, Right-enabling actions? Why, his response boils down to “I’m right, and you’re wrong.” Pretty much the same thing that the Naderoids (differing from hemorrhoids only in the type of a**hole they are attached to) say, in the main. And if you bring up the facts that are contained within the above hyperlinks? He and his Naderbots either ignore them, embrace them, or deny them, depending on their mood at the time.

And this, Gentle Reader, is the crux of his a**holitude: it’s not that he did stupid s***; it’s not that the stupid s*** he did helped to cause such death, destruction, and exacerbated the economic injustices that plague our society; it’s that he looks at the havoc he enabled the Bushistsas to wreak upon the planet, and STILL says that he was right to do what he did.

Actually, a**hole isn’t a strong enough word for him or his supporters. But it’ll do for getting along with.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

At least, that is the only reasonable inference to be drawn from Dennis Prager’s column : he condemns the idea of feeding poor children breakfast at school, but raises no such objections when it comes to feeding convicted terrorists, serial killers, child molesters, and other incarcerated scum.

And he’s not the only person to favor convicts over children: a state legislator recently proposed making little kids work for their school lunches, without a similar work requirement for imprisoned crooks and killers.

What does it say about a political party when its leaders care more about the worst among us than they care about innocent children? Nothing good, to put it mildly.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

When kids got booted out of Head Start, Congress did nothing about the Sequester. When little old ladies had their dinners taken away, Congress did nothing about the Sequester. It did not hurt them, after all.

Now that the FAA had to cut staffing levels in compliance with the Sequestration law that Congress passed, and flights are being delayed, Congress suddenly is doing something about the Sequester. Because they are being hurt by it.

You see, very few Senators and Congresscritters (if any) have kids in Head Start, or parents who get Meals on Wheels. But they fly. And their staffs fly. And, most significantly, the people who bribe them their campaign contributors fly. And so the Senate quickly passed a law that would alleviate the FAA’s staffing problems, thus helping to eliminate flight delays.

The poor, the young, the elderly, and the powerless? Tough rocks for them, they still get bupkis. But the politicians and the people who pull their strings? They will be taken care of.

That is all for today: your humble correspondent must go and barf.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

Paul Ryan is one of the most seriously deranged and dangerous individuals in contemporary government, and the very idea of his being one dressage accident away from the Presidency fills Mr. Blunt and Cranky with dread. Ryan’s personal ideology is hugely wacked-out, but hidden behind an earnest  exterior and Eddie Munster hairdo, so most Americans are not aware of just how great a threat he poses to us as citizens, and to the future of our nation as a whole.

“Conservative” Catholics (and like-minded Christians of other varieties) tend to cherry-pick biblical verses that align with their prejudices and make life easier for themselves: take one part Jesus, two parts Paul, add a dash of Leviticus, mix vigorously and voila! Custom-made theological comfort food.  That is, b y the way, a pretty fair representation of the formula used by the Conference of Catholic Bishops, Southern Baptists and others who oppose choice, and support the destruction of the safety net and the abolition  of the separation of Church and State. By trolling the Bible and selecting which bits and bobs suit their existing natures, they can come up with a way to call themselves Christians without having to work too hard at all that difficult loving, non-judging, forgiving stuff.

Paul Ryan adds a scary new dimension to this paradigm. To the selflessness of Jesus, and the sternness of Paul and the Old Testament, he adds the selfishness and Atheism of Ayn Rand. This allows him to think himself a Christian while allowing the poor to starve, women to be abused, minorities oppressed and so on. He can apply Atheistic Darwinian Ayn Rand thinking to anyone he doesn’t like or want to deal with, and the Christian bits to those that he does like. If you think about it, this is a very succinct and cogent analysis of Paul Ryan and his growing legion of adherents. It also explains how someone who claims to be a Catholic can take the seemingly heartless and anti-Christian (indeed, sometimes inhumane) positions that Ryan espouses.

Yes, we know, he claims to embrace Ayn Rand’s egocentric and socially Darwinian philosophy while rejecting her Atheism. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this. Don’t believe it? Read her books. Then read the Gospels. They are fundamentally incompatible. What Ryan is doing is intellectually, morally, spiritually and constitutionally inconsistent, and the fact that he is able to think in such a manner indicates that he has some pretty serious mental competency issues.

The reason this is dangerous? Americans come with values and belief systems aplenty, but you would be hard-pressed to find, say, a Hasidic pagan. Or a Moslem running a pork barbecue. Such self-contradictory attitudes are clearly ridiculous, and would be laugh-lines in a comedy sketch at best; but never a seriously considered moral code.   Ryan’s contradiction goes beyond even those crazy examples: he simultaneously acts on a belief in God and the absence of God, and further seems quite comfortable with that. The man is a lunatic, plain and simple: too, Ryan intends to impose his insane “moral” views upon the rest of us, whether we like it or not.

Abortion? He picks Paul over Ayn. Feeding the poor? He picks Ayn over Jesus. The Constitutional guarantees of equality? Ayn over the Bible and the law of the land. And so on. Whatever is easier, more comfortable, or enhances his wealth or that of his family and friends, that is what he considers moral at any given time.

No one, be they Atheist or religious, can count on Paul Ryan. He will flip-flop and switch sides as it suits him and his paymasters. Whatever he wants to do at any moment, he can find a source within one of his contradictory value sources to justify his greedy, egotistical, self-centered mood du jour. Beyond one single constant (“What’s good for Paul is good for the nation”), he cannot be predicted, and thus he cannot be trusted.

An Atheistic Christian for President? If you are not scared s***less by that prospect, you are not paying attention.

Mr. B & C