Yes, that’s right. Two rapists are currently doing time, thanks to Alexandra Goddard, Anonymous, and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office (no thanks to the corrupt, rape-loving locals who tried to cover it all up). Now two big-mouthed, small-brained, rape-supporting teenaged girls have been sentenced to six months’ probation for threatening the victim with death and bodily harm: 

So the message to these mouth-breathing fools? It does not matter where or how you threaten to commit a violent crime, those threats are still crimes. And now, the two teenaged twerps are convicted criminals. (Or “adjudicated”, depending on the exact ruling.) Criminals with criminal records. Not “loyal girlfriends/relatives standing up for their loved ones”; no, these little snots are criminals, with criminal records.

In addition, the Grand Jury and associated investigators are  still working on whom else to charge, and with what crimes. All in all, it is progress.

Here’s hoping the lawfully constituted authorities keep up the good work: and if they slack off, here’s hoping the hacktivist community jumps their s*** and forces them to get back on the stick.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky