Mr. Blunt and Cranky, like almost everyone else, gleefully piled onto the Internal Revenue Service recently. The targeting of political groups certainly seemed abusive, after all. And everybody hates the Taxman.

After subsequent revelations and upon further reflection, this writer has come to the conclusion that we all got played by a bunch of political scumbuckets. You see, it turns out that there were excellent reasons to suspect these groups of using the tax code for nefarious purposes. After all, Social Welfare Organizations are not allowed to be primarily political organizations.

Here’s a quick summary of why one might be suspicious: 432023_667625673262947_52727540_n (This from the excellent Rob Rogers. Follow his blog: )

Also, as The Rude Pundit pointed out, having the word “party” in your name is a wee bit of an indicator of political activity.

Note to self: next time the media scrum is kicking the crap out of a football that one does not happen to like, don’t kick until you know it deserves to be kicked.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky