These cretins are f***ing insane. Just like before, John Boehner and his cabal are proposing to take our tax dollars, give us even less for our money, and shovel the stolen bucks to their cronies and paymasters. And they are threatening to wreck the economy if they don’t get 100% of what they are demanding.

The House, you see, is threatening to stop paying the bills that they have run up since 2000 if Obama does not agree with each and every aspect of their spending plan. This is what “refusing to raise the debt ceiling” actually means. These “representatives” spent a decade running up the national debt, and now are welshing on the deals they themselves made.

On top of that, they want to cut spending on programs that benefit the American people. A few of the draconian cuts these “Conservative’ “Republicans” propose:
* Cuts to the SEC (so rich crooks can get way with their crimes)
* 100% defunding of the ACA that they passed a few years ago,
* Cuts to funding for feeding and educating poor children,
* Cuts for care of our elderly,
* Cuts for block grants to states and cities,
And many others. They are taking a meat axe to anything that they don’t like or make a buck from, and be damned to the taxpaying public.

All to benefit themselves and the 1%, paid for by the rest of us. If that isn’t a declaration of economic war on the American people, what the Hell would be?

Mr. Blunt and Cranky