And they say government has the right to do so. In this link, the “Republican” government of Michigan says it straight out, with no shame or moderation:

“One of the paramount purposes of marriage in Michigan — and at least 37 other states that define marriage as a union between a man and a woman — is, and has always been, to regulate sexual relationships between men and women so that the unique procreative capacity of such relationships benefits rather than harms society.”

Got that? They are saying that they have the right to be bedroom police. And this is not some random pundit flapping his yap; this is an official court filing by attorneys for the state of Michigan. (Never mind that the Constitution says nothing at all about Government having such power.)

Even the most Leftish of all  Liberal Dems haven’t been THAT f***ing intrusive (pun intended). And these “Republicans” say that they are in favor of smaller government??? Bulls***. It doesn’t get more Big Brother than monitoring our bedrooms.

Plus, they are saying that procreation is the purpose of marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Blunt and Cranky can’t have more kids. Does that make our marriage null and void? Hell, some married couples can’t even have sex at all. How about any elderly couple –  is divorce mandatory?

We’ve heard this tripe before, from politicos trying to make a headline or get some free media time. But now, the Elephants are trying to make it the law of the land. If that doesn’t scare you, p*** you off, or both…well, you’re either a closet pervert peeping Tom bedroom cop yourself, or you’re just not paying any attention at all.

Vote these Big-Government “Republican” preeves out of office while you still have the right to do so. Unless you really like having somebody watch your every move, including what you do in bed.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky