You can hear him say it right here:  The very last thing said during the interview with Congressional “Republican” David Schweiekert was him saying “this is my idea of fun”. Listen to him for yourself, get it right from the horse’s ass.

That is everything you need to know, peeps. Millions of people out of work, government services taken away, billions of dollars added to the national debt…this, to “Republicans”, is considered “fun”. It is amusing to them, no doubt, because they will not suffer the consequences of their actions: their salaries and health care will not be cut, and they will continue to live high on the hog, their porcine snouts buried in the public trough.

In the specific case of Rep. Schweikert, he is a multimillionaire, and so REALLY doesn’t give a s*** about what happens to the rest of we little people:

Remember this when next you vote. Anyone who thinks that crashing the economy is “fun” really, really, REALLY,  needs to voted the f***ing f*** out of office, and that soon.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky