Back in the 1700’s, there was a lot of debate as to what sort of government we should create. Some wanted a democracy, some a republic, some even wanted a constitutional monarchy. In the end, no side won the argument, and we have a hybrid that isn’t a pure version of any model that was considered.  Our very system of government is a compromise.

So when House “Republicans” shut down said government because they refused to compromise, they weren’t just being petulant little brats; they went outside of the Constitution and indeed,  acted in a manner that is fundamentally opposed to the entire history of America. America is always arguing – it is who we are and what we are. Our nation was founded on an argument that was never settled, and never will be.

And the same is true of our laws. Very few of them are “pure”. Obamacare is a good example. It is a private-sector solution with government oversight, requires participation but doesn’t enforce it, based on Republican ideas but passed entirely by Democrats. Nothing there is free of compromise: everything there IS compromise.

Anyone who refuses to compromise is not functioning in reality. That means the Teabagger caucus is living in a friggin’ dream world, and someone needs to wake them up,  kick them out, or both.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky