This writer checks his 401(K) balance weekly, and noticed a drop in value, due to yesterday’s stock market tumble. Said tumble being entirely (and only) due to Boehner’s decision to shut down the government and stop paying America’s bills. So that carrot-faced son of a bitch has stolen several hundred dollars of my money. And I have five bucks here saying I’ll lose lots more from my retirement fund before this is over.

Many people have lost far more, of course –  grieving military families are being shafted after  heroic soldiers gave their lives for this country; children are losing Head Start and their parents are losing their jobs; government workers and the businesses that depend on them are losing their entire paychecks; indeed, this writer could be taking a much bigger hit. And I am grateful that I’m not, believe you me.

Gentle Reader, take some time today and over the next few weeks to look at your financial picture. Be aware of just how many of us are being hurt by the intransigence of the Teapublicans who run Congress. And remember that THEY are not being hurt by this extra-constitutional behavior –  indeed, they are getting their paychecks, bennies, and even their own luxury gym and spa with no interruption. So of course they’ll shut down the government – so long as they still get theirs, they don’t give a s*** about us.

The only way to hurt them back is run them out of office. The next opportunity to do so in just over a year away. Let’s get to work and send the lot of them packing in 2014. The money (and perhaps the country)  you save may be your own.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky