Once again, a small town police force sides with the rapist and abuses the victim. Once again, the rapist gets off scot free. Once again, Anonymous targets the rape-loving locals. And once again, suddenly, the “justice’ system starts prosecuting the rapist:



Short form: A young girl got drugged and raped by a high school football star in Maryville, MO. The locals covered it up, dismissed the charges, abused the victim and her family, and generally acted like the rape-loving mother***ers that they are. Indeed, they got the victim’s mother fired, ran the family out of town, and burned down their house. When the family objected, the local pig lawman said that they should just “get over it”. Meanwhile, the scumsucking child-molesting rapist s***head is off at college, making rape jokes on Twitter.

Then, Anonymous got pissed off. And just like in other crappy little rape-havens across the country (like Steubenville, Torrington, et.al) people from outside of the pisspot little towns (like, say the Attorney General) started pressuring the locals to do something about the crimes except jerk off while watching the incriminating videos of the rapes. The locals have, true to form, refused to put down their puds and enforce the law, so the Staties are stepping in. Hopefully it’ll end up like Steubenville, with the rapists in jail and the whole town under criminal investigation.

It is a sad commentary on America’s rape culture that we need a group of online vigilantes to safeguard the women in our nation. But sad or not, it is the reality: many small-town cops dig rape (and they must, because otherwise they’d prosecute the criminals instead of abusing the victims). If ever you (or someone you love) become the victim of sexual violence, put up the FawkesSignal and get Anonymous on the case. Because otherwise, justice will never be served.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky