His name is Trent Franks, (R-AZ). And he is attending a  rally advocating the overthrow of our Constitutional system of government that is being organized by a crazy child molester named Larry Klayman. Likely he’ll be giving a speech there.

Which means that Congressman Franks is a supporter of child molesters, treason and sedition.  You don’t show up at Klan cross-burnings unless you support the Klan. You don’t goose-step, utter “Seig Heil!” and wear swastikas unless you support the Nazis.

The idea that Arizona voters could elect such a scumbucket to Congress is astounding. If they re-elect this anti-American, kiddie-rapist-loving sleazeball, we’ll truly have to question their sanity.

Meanwhile, here’s where you can contact him and give him a piece of your mind. God knows he hasn’t enough of his own.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky