It is possible. It now appears almost certain that governor Blowhard ordered the bridge closure to exact revenge on another politico who didn’t kiss the Christie ass.

The emergency services people aren’t coming out and blaming Guv Bully -and given what happens to people who piss him off, they are probably wise not to do so. But we do know this: because of his rage and petty political vanity, a woman with chest pains waited much longer for an ambulance than she should have. And shortly after the dedicated and hard-working EMTs were able to fight their through the Christie-caused traffic jam way to the poor lady, she died.

So the headline has a question mark in it, because we can’t at this point prove that Chris Christie’s idiotic pre-natal temper tantrum is the direct cause of her death. But then again, the headline has a question mark in it, because we can’t prove it WASN’T, either.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky