20140121-083052.jpg Yesterday’s MLK holiday produced the usual passive-aggressive racist twaddle from twits like Sarah Palin, who would like us to believe that there is no more racism in the world, blah blah blah. And we also got extremely aggressive racism from the “fashion and art” world, which decided it was a great day to publish a racist, sexist, forced servitude-endorsing image. Said image being cropped and re-issued after a few thousand people told the editors that the picture was disgusting, but not disavowed or apologized for.

The perpetrator of this outrage is a privileged “socialite” and wife of a Russian criminal gangster oligarch, and she has as yet said nothing about the picture of her scrawny white rich-assed self objectifying, using and degrading black women. But there are only a few reasons for posting such an image:
Number A: to use an offensive image to create publicity,
Letter 2: because she is such a rich little stupid-f*** that she doesn’t even know this is insulting, or
Thirdly: she hates her some black women. Hates them a LOT.

Regardless of her actual reason, the fact that this happened on a holiday that honors a slain civil rights leader shows us that humans have not created a color-blind, classless, or gender-equal world. And as long as a billionaire thinks it acceptable to visually exhibit her “superior” position in the world in such a humiliating, degrading, and arrogant fashion as this, we will continue to inhabit a world that oppresses anyone who is not rich, white, and male.

And to hell with that.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

On edit – it appears the “artist” is not happy that the picture got used in this fashion, and a good bit of passive-voice “explanation” has been to the above link, to tell us all how so-not-racist she is. Fair enough. So who DOES bear the blame? Let me know and I’ll update the post accordingly.