In a few short days, various “Republicans” have blatantly shat upon the Constitution and the rule of law. A few of the many examples:

Sarah “thank God she isn’t in office” Palin announced that she would violate American and International law by torturing terrorists:

“Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we’d baptize terrorists.”

The GOP government of North Carolina informed landowners that they would make it legal for driller to violate their rights and frack under their property whether the property owner approves it or not.

A gun nut terrorized a bunch of kids and their families by showing them his weapon: the cops said that his 2nd Amendment rights trumped the rights of women and children to be safe in a public park. That is true, because “Republican” lawmakers made it possible to be a terrorist and get away with it.

Add in Craven Cliven Bundy, criminal Michael Grimm, and Arkansas’s illegal voter suppression scams, and you get the picture. Then you realize that there are hundreds of GOP illegal and unconstitutional actions every week, and you have to wonder why anyone would support such a despicable and scummy group of crooks.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky