Scary stuff, Gentle Reader, scary stuff. The party that controls most of our country prides itself on being a load of scientifically illiterate, math-challenged yahoos who want to monitor each and every intimate detail of your life.

If that doesn’t scare you, you aren’t paying attention. We heard a prominent member of the Senate Repubs call for a miltary coup, forcing the government at gunpoint to starve the poor and feed the MIC.

We have a plethora of elected and appointed Teapublicans who loudly proclaim their willful ignorance on matters such as climate, rape, and even basic arithmetic, ferchrissakes.

So the same people who want to shoot anyone who disagrees with them are also those who take pride in their lack of knowledge about pretty much anything except for about 10% of the Bible. They are running things. And they are running things because they got the most votes.

Which means that stupid voters are in the majority. That is even scarier.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky