Ah, the smell of Treasonous Congressional Bribery in the morning. And afternoon. And on and on, 24/7/365, our Teapubbie overlords suck in the cash, and reward those who bribe them. In this case, the Bribing Bastards are Wingnut Israel “supporters” from this and other countries. Remember Tehran Tom and his million-dollar payoff? Turns out he’s not alone: Israeli’s Teabagger equivalents have showered GOP politicos with millions more to buy their loyalties.

WASHINGTON — As the proposed agreement over Iran’s nuclear program is debated in coming weeks, President Obama will make his case to a Congress controlled by Republicans who are more fervently pro-Israel than ever, partly a result of ideology, but also a product of a surge in donations and campaign spending on their behalf by a small group of wealthy donors. One of the surprisingly high-profile critics is Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who burst to prominence with a letter signed by 46 Republican colleagues to leaders of Iran warning against a deal. Mr. Cotton, echoing criticism by Israeli leaders, swiftly denounced the framework reached on Thursday as “a list of dangerous U.S. concessions that will put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons” — words, his colleagues say, that expressed his deep concern about Iran’s threat to Israel’s security. But it is also true that Mr. Cotton and other Republicans benefited from millions in campaign spending in 2014 by several pro-Israel Republican billionaires and other influential American donors who helped them topple Democratic opponents.

And while it is true that Dems get cash from these agents of a foreign power, the “Republicans” who have been writing letters and backstabbing our President and troops are getting paid handsomely for said treacherous behavior:

Absolutely, it is a factor,” said Marc Felgoise, who manages the Philadelphia Israel Network, a campaign fund-raising group, and whose own contributions have shifted to Republicans, though he still supports many Democrats. “They are trying to cater to people who are ultimately going to support them.” Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, saw his donations from pro-Israel donors soar to about $285,000 in the 2014 election cycle from less than $100,000 in 2008, during his previous election, the analysis by MapLight shows. Pro-Israel contributions to Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, plummeted to less than $150,000 in 2014, when he was also re-elected, from nearly $300,000 in 2008, according to this count.

Follow the money, Gentle Reader. These sons-of-two-strangers have been bought by supporters of another country. And they are delivering for their foreign masters. We have been sold out by the Teapublican Congress. Our government has been stolen from us and handed over to the worst of Israel’s extremists. Why are the Boehner Brigade and Marching McConnells allowed to stay out of prison?

In fact, why are they allowed to remain in office?

Mr. Blunt and Cranky