Josh Mandel, a scumbucket of truly magnificent proportions, has outdone even his own scumbucket self. Somewhere in Hell, legendary scumbuckets like Al Capone are bowing in admiration of this kid, who has taken brazen scumbucketry to a level that is beyond the imagination of mere mortal crooks. Since he got himself elected Treasurer of the State O’ Ohio:

He has almost never shown up for critical meetings for a committee he chairs;

He railed against his predecessor for appointing unqualified cronies, and then proceeded to do likewise;

He has violated open records laws;

And after promising not to run for Senate if he was elected Ohio State Treasurer, started running for the Senate before the vote counting was completed for his Treasurer election.

Pretty scummy, but sadly, not out of the ordinary these days. But Mr. Mandel, in order to rise above the norm, had more scum in his bucket – oh yes, he did:

Short version for those who never click links: Josh Mandel holds bonds that would pay off big-time if the U.S. Government failed to raise the debt ceiling, thus causing a default. And goshgollygeewhizawshucksreally, he has pledged to vote against raising the debt ceiling if he is elected to the Senate.

That goes beyond a conflict of interest: that is treason. Yes, Mister Blunt and Cranky is calling it treason. Look up the word in a dictionary if you don’t like it. Josh Mandel wants to use a position of power within the government in order to undermine and damage said government, while lining his own scummy, traitorous, un-American pockets.

What an enormous scumbucket is Josh Mandel.  This blogger will vote against Mandel, and he does not care if the Dems are running a deep-fried cheese log against him.

Mr. B & C