Recently, Richard Mourdock  (R-Pedophiliaville) claimed that babies conceived as a result of rape were part of God’s plan, AKA the will of God. So rape away, boyo, saith St. Mourdock – your vile, heinous, despicable crimes are pre-ordained and sanctioned by the Father, Son and Holy Ghost – if they result in unborn children, that is. Who knew that rape was such a holy and Godly activity?

Not that he’s the only idiot out there making such revolting claims: Rick Santorum said something similar, and Paul Ryan supports mandatory child-visitation rights for rapists who impregnate their victims.  Note, by the bye, that it’s pretty much always “Christian Republicans” who spout these God-is-pro-crime ideas, and they are not unique amongst their ilk – quite a few of them hold such views. (Click Here to see a small sampling: )

It’s fashionable once again (as it was in the Dark Ages) to claim that everything is “God’s will”, especially if you don’t like something, you’re too lazy to stand up and solve a problem, or if calling something “His plan” scores you political points. The notion that we are merely meat puppets dangling on invisible strings can be a comfort to those individuals who are so craven as to not take responsibility for their actions, or the consequences thereof.

These wimpy, corrupt, slimy heaps of donkey bollocks must have forgotten that, according to Scripture, our actions carry consequences that may be dealt with in this life and the next (how could that be if they were God’s will?). They also mistake capability for action: in other words, they don’t seem to suss that just because God is omnipotent, that doesn’t mean he always USES all of his power.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky has daughters and a granddaughter. Anybody: “Republican”, Christian or otherwise, who thinks God wants them raped; well, this writer doesn’t know if God wants him to cut off your wedding tackle and cram it down your throat, and he doesn’t much care; because he’ll do it anyway, and take the heat for his actions. God would not be blamed, because this human would have chosen to do them of his own volition. Just like the f***ing criminal pervert scumball did.

We have free will and power of our own: so grow up and stop blaming God for the awful things humans do, you right-wing Fundagelical wussies.

Mr. B & C