Karl Rove (AKA “Turdblossom”) is the ever-so-fitting recipient of this week’s Crown O’ Polished Turds. And how did this plucky Doughboy earn the honor? Why, by promising millionaires and billionaires that he could buy elections for them. And he totally, wretchedly, spectacularly, failed to deliver. Four hundred million dollars (that we know about) flushed down the commode, swirled away like so many, well, turds. http://news.yahoo.com/republican-strategist-karl-roves-very-bad-night-002109469.html


The bloom is off the blossom and his “clients” are some kinda pissed off that lil’ Karl failed to deliver . Even for people like Adelson, Koch One and Koch Two, twenty million bucks or so is some serious coin to have wasted. And they are not happy with him. Not even a little bit.

Like many liars, Karly Boy has tried to weasel his way out by telling more lies: but his audience is not stupid, and they are seeing right through him. He has tried to blame others: that isn’t working either. All of his horses and all of his men aren’t putting Rovey Dumpty’s reputation back together again.

Rove has lied for years and gotten away with it. This time, he made the mistake of lying to people that can really, truly, seriously f*** his s*** up.  Give the Blossom Boy his trophy and pass the popcorn: this is gonna be fun to watch.

Mr. B & C