This week’s Crown O’ Polished Turds goes to Ohio’s Guv-bot, Little Johnny Kasich (a German name meaning “a case full of sickness”). You see, one of his first acts as Governor was to steal a load of taxpayer money and hand it to a clandestine crowd of cronies under the guise of a “job creation” scheme called “JobsOhio”.

Oh, and you don’t need to know where the money went, or how it was used. Trust the Kasich, who made his fortune from the very same financial collapse that took away our money. It’s all secret, but who would have trouble trusting the millionaire buddies of our millionaire governor? (Never mind that Lehman Brothers collapsed while he was managing director thereof, while he kept his own money.) Trust the Kasich.

Ahh, but sadly, not everyone trusts Little Prince John: he lashed out at people who have the gall to question the unaudited handover of taxpayer cash to a shadowy group of greedheads. Indeed, he accused the questioners of wanting to wreck the economy . A thief accusing his detractors of having sinister motives? That is one ballsy LSoS.

And then, just to show everybody he is committed to his plan of looting the public till and dumping our hard-earned into the offshore accounts of his pals, Kasich announced a plan to divert even more of our money to charter-school cronies of his. Once again, free money thrown over the wall to people who do not have to account for results, or even how they spent our money.

Yep, The Kasich is a liar as well as a thief: a most deserving recipient of this week’s honor.

Mr. B & C