Remember these Christian Soldiers?Image

Yep, the ones who think Jesus wants us to pack hidden heat so as to waste each other as needed. Them are the ones.

This week, they’re running a “Constitution Class”. The good Lord knows what they’re  teaching each other, but if their “understanding” of Constitutional law is anything like their “understanding” of Holy Scripture, this is some pretty scary stuff.

No picture of the Church sign this time: we considered the wisdom of pulling into the parking lot of a church full of gun-crazed Fundagelical loons, any number of whom are likely carrying weapons, and we decided that was NOT the prudent course of action. Kind of like driving by an Al-Quaida training camp – do you REALLY want to drop in on them?

Mr. B & C

P.S. A point of clarification: These zeebs are free to use their First and Second Amendment rights, as we see them doing (Mr. Blunt and Cranky is a Presbyterian who uses all of his Constitutional rights, after all). The reason separation of church and state was brought up here is this: entirely too many Americans (including elected and appointed “representatives” and officials at all levels and in all branches of government) want to trash the Establishment clause and make our nation into a Fundagelical Theocracy.

One thing our Founders knew well were the dangers of such a form of government, but too many of us have forgotten. So when we see churches like this one arming themselves and seeking political power, we need to be aware of the threat they pose