The United States of America is a secular nation, founded by (mostly) Christian men. They knew the dangers of a Theocracy, and so ruled one out in the first part of the First Amendment to our Constitution. It’s known as the Establishment Clause, and it goes like this:
“Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.

Pretty unambiguous, you’d say, and you’d be correct. But lots of corrupt, hateful, greedy, power-mad motherf***ers want to ignore that very clear part of our law and make their own personal church the official church of America. And God help you if you don’t go along, because the Churchies certainly won’t.

People, the law means what it says. If you don’t like the Constitution, feel free to try and amend it. But until then, just obey the friggin’ law. Please?

Mr. B & C