Yesterday, at the Supreme Court, the backers of California’s gay-hating piece of crap Proposition 8 (which outlaws marriage between people of the same gender) came up with this ludicrous bit of specious nonsense legal rationale to justify their hatred of gays support of the law: they claim that the only reason to get married is to make babies and raise them. The Supremes (literally) mocked this notion and the audience laughed at Charles Cooper, the poor schlub who had to try to sell the Court on this idea.

Mr. and Mrs. Blunt and Cranky are not on their first marriage: indeed, their children were pretty much grown and had flown the nest by the time they crankily tied the knot. And they cannot have more children (although to be honest, at this time of life, grandbabies are a lot more fun anyway). So, since procreation is the purpose of marriage, this would seem to mean that this marriage between two straight Americans should be illegal according to the Prop 8 Backers.

When pressed by the Justices, Mr. Cooper could not talk his way out the hole he dug with his legal reasoning. Which means that whether you are gay or straight, if you can’t make babies, the backers of California’s Existing Constitutional Law are saying that your marriage is illegal.

Fortunately, the Cranky Fam does not reside in Californ-ai-ay, but in Ohio. Unfortunately, Ohio also has outlawed same-sex marriages, and for all we know, the backers of that law think the same way as the whackadoodles who are backing the Left Coast Law. Which would mean that millions of Americans could wind up getting ripped off by the IRS, Insurance companies, and lawyers; just like gay folk get ripped off right now.

Think you don’t have a dog in the same-sex marriage fight? Think again, Gentle Reader. This type of reasoning, if allowed to stand, could put straight people in the same second-class-citizen status that gay people presently occupy in our nation.

Yes, maybe you should care because of basic human kindness, Christian charity or some such reasoning. This writer does. But let’s say you don’t give two s***s about the Gays, Lesbians, and Transgender individuals who are your fellow citizens: you should at least be aware that after these thinly-disguised Puritans take away the rights of GLBT people, they will take away yours next.

Want your marriage rights protected? Stand up for the marriage rights of others. As Thomas Jefferson said, “If we do not all hang together, we shall all surely hang separately”.

Mr. B & C