Today, some parents of children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown will be on Capitol Hill begging lawmakers to allow debate on background checks and other gun-related legislation. And thirteen Senators have already told these grieving families to go pound sand. Yes, they did say that.

You see, the Senators in question (add Bitchy Mitchy McConnell to the list from yesterday) are much more sympathetic to the Adam Lanzas of the world than they are to the victims of gun violence. Put another way, they support the rights of killers over the rights of the killed.

This writer suggests that you contact the thirteen members of the Pro-Killer Caucus (feel free to use that phrase): Senators Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Lee, Moran, Inhofe, Burr, Johnson, Enzi, Risch, Crapo, Coats, Roberts and McConnell. Tell them that you support the rights of the 99.999% of Americans who are NOT killers.

As opposed to these Senators, who support the killers’ right to bear arms: arms they can use to kill little children.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky