is a classic story: Ron Paul, he who said that people who can’t afford assurance are choosing to die, let the man behind his presidential campaign die, uninsured, of pneumonia. And then he stuck his dead friend’s grieving mother with a bill for $400,000.00.

This was in 2008, and people might be so distracted by the imperfections of the ACA that have been dominating the media of late, that they have forgotten the inhumanity of the “Republican” party when it comes to this issue. We should remember this fact: the Repubs have never put forth a health care plan of their own. Except, of course, for “let him die”.

“Him” meaning, of course, just about anyone. Even people who have worked for Teapublicans. Even people whom Teapublicans call “family”. Imagine how they would treat YOU, if your insurance didn’t cover your health care.

Yep, the “Republican” health care plan, such as any exists at all: “let him die”.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky