But he does support positions that would result in a lot of people dying through lack of access to health care. Mind, this writer has no degrees in psychology, and so can not diagnose the man. One does have to wonder why a non-necrophiliac would advance causes that would increase the number of dead people, though.

It is highly unlikely that Tucker Carlson gets his jollies by viewing snuff porn. But he does support positions that would result in a lot of people dying through lack of access to health care. Mind, this writer has no degrees in psychology, and so can not diagnose the man. One does have to wonder why a non-snuff-porn-freak would advance causes that would increase the number of people getting killed, though.

It is almost inconceivable that Tucker Carlson finds his pulse quickening, his palms sweating, and his jockey shorts tightening when viewing news stories about the miseries suffered by the uninsured. But he does support positions that would result in a lot of people people being very miserable indeed through lack of access to health care. Mind, this writer has no degrees in psychology, and so can not diagnose the man. One does have to wonder why someone not so perverted would advance causes that would increase the number of miserable people, though.

This writer was at the gym yesterday, walking on treadmills and pedaling exercise bikes, and had the great good fortune to be stuck in front of a TeeVee that was tuned to Fox “News”, which was in full “F*** ObamaCare” mode. FTucker’s “solution” was to get rid of the ACA, and ditch the few pathetic bits of pre-ACA regulations and oversight as well.

And that course of action would result in a lot of dead and miserable people. And it does seem that anyone who supports those actions and their resulting outcomes would have to have some sort of screw loose. So, FTucker my laddie, how in the Hell do you explain your despicable and loathsome positions, if they do not stem from some sort of truly demented perversion?

Mr. Blunt and Cranky