After all the failures, you’d think the Baggers would realize that most Americans don’t buy their line of snake oil. But nooooooo. Even though their “mass uprisings” keep having more Porta-Potties in attendance than people, these Wingnuts keep on planning more “revolutions”, as if their bully-boy tactics will somehow win our hearts and minds if they do it often enough.

Now, though, they have cranked the crazy up to 11: they are trying to blackmail God. “God Will Bless Operation American Spring, Or Prepare For Violence” is the message from Teabagging generalissimo Harry Riley.

Mr. Riley, who apparently suffers from delusions of adequacy, says that he has “faith” that The Lord, having “bathed” their “American Spring”, will ensure its success. And if God does not make it work, then he and his cohorts will start killing people.

That, Gentle Reader, is blackmail. These Teapublicans are threatening our Congress, the President, the cops, our military, and even the Supreme Being: “give us 100% of what we want, or we will murder millions of people”. That isn’t just yap-flapping nonsense, it is a criminal act.

We may not like our elected officials (this writer strongly dislikes most of his), but they were elected. If we don’t like the results, we try harder next election. That is how Democracies and Republics operate.

But these pisswilly little buggers aren’t willing to respect the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Also, they don’t respect the God they claim to worship. Teapubs don’t, in fact, respect anything or anyone who does not agree with and comply with them 100% of the time, 24/7/365.

When you start threatening God with waging war against your neighbors unless He grants your every wish, you aren’t just barking mad: you’re a dangerous, criminal, violent psycho case who needs to be locked in the giggle ward until you return to sanity . So it is with “Republican conservatives”, Tebaggers, and all the other gun-humping wussy-boy revolutionary wannabees.

Blackmailing God. Seriously. How can anyone support them?

Mr. Blunt and Cranky