And that more than once. Back in the 70’s and 80’s, Repubs met in secret with Iranian motherf***ers to steal the 1980 election (Nixon did the same with the Vietnamese government during his era). This was illegal as Hell, of course, just like this week’s letter from the 100% Teapublican Treason Team.

At the previous election in 1968, Nixon’s aides were charged with persuading the South Vietnamese to delay their participation in peace talks to deny possible advantage to the Democrats, then in office. But that was only a precursor for 1980. In that year, when Ronald Reagan was the Republican candidate trying to stop the re-election of President Jimmy Carter, a potentially treasonable plot was hatched, which came to be known as the ‘October surprise’. To stop Carter getting the credit for securing the release of the 52 US embassy hostages seized after the Iranian revolution, members of the Reagan campaign flew to Paris to meet Iranian and Israeli representatives in October, less than a month before the election on 4 November. Several sources, including the New York Times (15 April 1991), confirm that not only did William Casey, the [subsequent] CIA director [from 1981 to 1987], attend those meetings, but so did the vice-presidential candidate George Bush (father of George W). It was agreed with the Iranians that the hostages would not be released before the election. In return, the Reagan-Bush team promised to supply $40m of military equipment if elected. Military equipment started to flow to Iran from Israel on 21 October, the proffered release of the hostages was withdrawn, and Carter was defeated. The hostages were finally released on 21 January 1981, minutes after Reagan was sworn in as president.”

Got it? “Republicans” will break any law, at any time, even the Logan Act:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

So, we have the Republican Senators clearly violating that law. They are acting without authority; they are illegally corresponding with a foreign government; and they are doing so to influence Iran’s government, in order to defeat the measures of the United States.

This isn’t a new thing, Gentle Reader. It isn’t even unique. Teapublicans, like their “Republican” predecessors, will trample the Constitution and the citizenry of the US whenever they see a chance to line their pockets and seize more power. We have here three documented examples (no doubt there are others, but this blogger hasn’t the time to research them all) of Republicans betraying their country for their own personal gain. Nixon. Reagan. Bush. And now 47 Teapubbie Senators. That’s a lot of illegal and disloyal mother***ers. All members of the GOP. Every. Single. One.

The only thing different about this week’s shameful episode is: now, they don’t even try to keep it a secret. Ask yourselves why the Teapubbies don’t even bother to try to hide their anti-American, extra-constitutional deeds anymore.

Ask that question, and you’ll begin to realize how well and truly f***ed we are.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky