That’s pretty much what Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are saying, as they dig their hole deeper and deeper via their friends in the media. They have publically stated that trans people are males with criminal records (sex offenses, of course), which just shows that Duggarland is a magical place where one can have no idea what a transgendered person is but still think they are worse than their own son Josh Duggar, who has admitted he’s a sex offender, pedophile, and incest freak. But hey, li’l Joshie didn’t know no better, and Christ has forgiven him, so stop being all mean and stuff, OK? Plus he didn’t really do anything wrong, (even though he did), because he was just a teenytiny child himself at the time (even though he was 15)…you get the picture.

It turns out that Josh Duggar committed even more sex crimes than had been previously reported, and had told his parents even more often than had been previously reported, and had done things far more disgusting than had previously reported, to more girls than had previously been reported. In short, he’s a sexual predator and child molester of the first water, and needs to be locked up posthaste and the key flushed down the commode. But the Duggars don’t want him buggered, so they kept his crimes a secret. And since he didn’t go to jail, why, he’s not a criminal, right? Unlike those ickyickyicky LGBT people (even though being LGBT is not a crime).

Since the Duggars don’t understand Gay or Transgendered persons, but do understand Josh, one could fairly assume that Jim Bob and Michelle are themselves straight white Christian child molesters who also didn’t want to be buggered Duggars and so helped cover up Joshie’s sex crimes and their own complicity in their commission.

In fact, none of this was brought to light until the statute of limitations had run out, and the truth could come to light with no chance of these three disgusting perverts getting chucked into the general population of a prison, to there enjoy the “treatment” often afforded to such swine.

Here are facts of the matter: Josh Duggar molested his own sisters and a babysitter (maybe other girls, too). His parents covered up his crime, making the three of them criminals. Criminals of the lowest and most most vile sort. Criminals that are hated even by other criminals. How DARE the Duggars Who Are Scared of Being Buggered accuse innocent LGBT Americans of being sex offenders, when they themselves are just that?

Probably because Jim Bob, Michelle, Josh, and their Pervert Posse know full well what they are, and successfully managed to avoid detection via distraction. By pointing their filthy fingers at others for long enough, they got away with the perfect crime.

This writer, having been molested himself as a youth, hopes that all three of them are somehow punished for their unspeakable, incestuous, depraved, and inhuman actions. And that soon.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky