Archives for posts with tag: George Zimmerman

original is “Republican” “Pundit” Ann Coulter’s reaction to the acquittal of George Zimmerman (and thus the legalized murder of an unarmed black kid). Here’s the link if you can’t believe this s*** is real. Yes, she is giving thanks to the Lord that Georgie got away with murder. Killing a young man of color is now legal, so she is singing hallelujah. That is some serious hatred of black people, friends.

These people are seriously bigoted, misogynistic jerkoffs, and they are getting more and more deranged every day. Another example:
Ted “I pooped my pants to dodge the draft” Nugent lays out the racist screed.

If that isn’t enough to make the point, here’s another example: an elderly black musical legend got assaulted by a racist white woman for dedicating a gospel song to Trayvon Martin.

Gentle Reader, do we really need any more examples? “Republicans”, Teabaggers, Birchers and other Wingnuts hate blacks. They aren’t even over the Emancipation Proclamation yet, much less the Civil Rights Act. And they are never going to accept black folks (or anyone else but white people) as humans, much less equal.

That being the case, all of us, of all hues, really need to un-elect their a**es at every opportunity. Because as long as racist f***tards hold high positions in government, media and commerce, they will continue to send the message of inequality. Only when those who hate their fellow man are marginalized can the rest of America live in equality and harmony.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky

P.S. your humble correspondent is heading in for more heart scoping fun at oh-dark-thirty, so tomorrow’s post is early. See you when the sedation wears off, and the docs hand over a mobile blogging device.

is a link to the story of a truly epic bit of racist stupidity. A police sergeant showed up at weapons practice with targets that he most likely found humorous: targets made to resemble Trayvon Martin.

Said sergeant then invited the others at the range to use the targets, too. To their credit, they told him to pound sand. The cop has since been fired, which shows that the rest of his department is not as stupid as he is.

The next question is, how many sick f***s also buy and shoot at pictures of an innocent young man who was murdered by another bigoted jerkoff with a gun? Any is too many.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky