is a good read, explaining the three demographic groups who ol’ Willie M. Romney was trash-talking behind their backs, said back-stabbing recently revealed by a hidden video camera (First, Pamela Anderson. Now, the Republicans. They never learn).

According to Mitt, if you are likely to vote for Obama, don’t pay Federal income taxes, and/or receive Federal benefits, why then, you’re a lazy, mooching little bit of scum beneath his tasseled loafers and thus unworthy of his thought. Much has been made of the rudeness, the insensitivity, the manifold other failings revealed by the statement. Not much has been made of the lie behind the words, so Mr. Blunt and Cranky shall make something of it here:

This writer falls into one category – likely Obama voter (not so much pro-Obama as anti-Romney), so he must be a whimpering little begging victim in Romneyworld: at least that is Willie’s lie.

Here’s the truth: this writer works 13-hour days at his  main job, is starting two small businesses, pays a s***-load of taxes and takes care of home, hearth, family and  community in his copious free time.

A moocher, am I? Hey, Mitt, stop cowering behind your wealth and power, and stop over  the house all on your lonesome and let’s see if you have the nuts to say that lying crap to my face. Bring it, you little nancy-boy. Here’s five bucks that says you won’t .

MR. B & C.