The plaintiff in this week’s DOMA (“Defense Of Marriage Act”) case that hits the Supremes this Wednesday had $363,000.00  stolen from her by the government because, and only because, she was gay.  No other reason.

You see, Ms. Windsor (an early computer scientist with IBM) and her partner got married legally, and their marriage was recognized by the State of New York. But the Feds don’t recognize such unions, and after her wife died, she was obliged to fork over a third of a million dollars that she would not have had to pay had she been a straight married woman. Think of it as a “Gay Tax”.

If you are a Republican who believes in lower taxes and smaller government, you cannot also support DOMA, because it imposes unjust taxes on certain citizens, and is a result of Big Brother governmental intrusion into our private lives. If you are a Repub, therefore, and  support DOMA, you’re a hateful, hypocritical bigot,

If you are a Christian whose church has tax-empt status  and you  support DOMA, you’re a hateful, hypocritical bigot who is making someone else pay your bills for you. Look up “usury” in the Bible and see what it says.

If you are a Libertarian and  support DOMA, you’re a  hateful, hugely hypocritical bigot.

If you are black and support DOMA, you’re you’re a  hateful, hugely hypocritical bigot who has no memory of anything that happened prior to this century. Read up on the Civil RIghts struggle, slavery, and such.

No matter who you are in our country, this writer is pretty sure you don’t like the idea of Uncle Sam jacking people out of thousands of dollars. Unless, of course, they are part of a group that you don’t like, in which case you’re OK with it.

Which makes you a hateful, hypocritical bigot.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky