Really, could it be anyone else? Ever since Monday’s bombing, the Clueless News Network  has been full of fertilizer. Time after time, they have leapt to conclusions, jumped at shadows, and made mountains out of molehills. These activities might make a good workout regimen, but they make horrible news.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky swore off CNN after Candy and Poppy did their “Sympathy for the Rapist” bit. But alas, he was stuck in a room on Tuesday morning, and that room had CNN on, and he could not get at the remote. So he was obliged to watch those “journalists” alternating between wild speculation and self-aggrandizing for over an hour. And that’s pretty much how they spent the rest of the week: slandering innocents, demonizing “dark-skinned” people and Moslems, and half-heartedly walking back their many misstatements.

Even Congress, we would venture to say, hasn’t told as many whoppers this week as the Clueless News Network. And so they have truly earned their Crown O’ Polished Turds.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky