It’s on like donkey kong in Steubenville, where the Grand Jury investigation just completed Day One of its work. And insofar as one can tell, they are picking up rocks aplenty to find the slime beneath.

Investigators have searched public and private buildings, interviewed multiple individuals (like the useless “parents” who own the house in which Jane Doe was gang-raped), and generally scaring the Hell out of lots of people who deserve to be terrified. Here’s a snippet from the above link (we recommend you click and read):
“Investigators searched Steubenville High School and the local school board offices Thursday.
Investigators also searched Vestige Digital Investigations, a digital forensics storage company in Medina, in Northeast Ohio. The company’s connection to the case was unclear, and it denies it’s the subject of a criminal investigation.
The owners of a home where a photo was taken of the Weirton, W.Va., girl being carried by the two boys later convicted of raping her also have been interviewed by investigators.
DeWine says nothing is off the table for the grand jury, which he announced within hours of the guilty verdict March 17.”

Here’s hoping that the rest of those responsible for the horrific crimes committed in that town wind up doing time along with the smug little s***s who were rightfully convicted a while back. We’ll see what the Grand Jury comes up with.

At the very least, it’s more than has been done in Torrington and Nova Scotia.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky