Here is the link to the American Insurgent Movement Facebook page. Here is one part of their “manifesto”, again openly displayed on Facebook at the time of this blog’s posting:

AIM is a Pre-Constitutionalist Community that offers those who seek True Patriotism and are looking for absolute Freedom by doing the Will of God. Who want to restore America Pre-Constitutionally and look forward to stopping the Regime with action by bloodshed. To remove those by force whom don’t agree with the Restoration of the Republic…

Note that the terror group’s website ( has been pulled down, after the FBI found out about their leader’s plans for a bloodbath and caught him in the act. But his Facebook page is still up.

Facebook takes quick action to censor pages that advocate for LGBT rights, along with assorted liberal groups. Post a pic of two dudes kissing, and it’s likely to get your account yanked and the page disappeared, but advocating the violent overthrow of the US Government? No problem, says Facebook. Sedition, mass murder, treason, these are evidently cherished values at the House that Zuckerberg Built. But no pictures of icky gay kisses.

If you want a snapshot of just how f***ed we are as a society, look no further than Facebook’s tolerance of murder, and Facebook’s censorship of love.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky