Really? No, seriously, REALLY? Christ on a trailer hitch, these Teapubbies have gone even bats*** crazier. Read this scarily accurate headline: Idaho Republican backs faith-healer parents: ‘If I want to let my child be with God, why is that wrong?’

The story is as follows: faith-healers’ kids die from neglect, and “Republicans” support them, and so want to ensure that deliberately causing one’s child to die is legal:

Legislation limiting a faith exemption for medical care in the state’s child neglect law was proposed after a string of preventable child deaths in Marsing among members of the Followers of Christ Church.

Perry said faith healers are caring parents who simply trust in God’s will.

“They are comforted by the fact that they know their child is in heaven,” Perry said. “If I want to let my child be with God, why is that wrong?”

Good God. This straw-for-brains “pro-life” Teabagger is even dumber than a wet sack of doorknobs.

The more so since she vehemently objects to letting a pregnant woman make the same choice BEFORE the child is born. Yep, Ms. Perry is rabidly anti-choice.

Got it, Gentle Reader? Everyone MUST be born whether their mother wishes it or not, and Repubs will make sure every pregnant woman is forced to give birth. But should a baby catch so much as a sniffle, one single minute after he or she emerges, it’ll be their parents’ “God-given” right to murder their child. Crazy.

Pro-life, my Cranky A**. Pre-born life matters far more to these “Christians” than post-born life. You can be jailed for having a miscarriage, but not for murdering your toddler.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky