Actually, your humble correspondent lacks the time to list them all. But here are a few of the many facts proving that Obama did the Lower 48 a solid when he vetoed the Keystone bill yesterday:

Reason Number A: Even with the huge cost of the project, only a paltry few jobs will be created apart from temporary construction gigs. So the American workforce won’t see any long-term benefit from the project. (Note: there may be jobs cleaning up spills and decontaminating water supplies, but those would likely be temp jobs, just as with construction.)

Reason Letter 2: The profits will go to a load of already wealthy individuals and corporations. It will NOT help the American economy. Indeed, it will aggravate the existing situation of offshoring jobs and cash that could stay here instead. (The few one-percent American mother***ers who will make obscene profits will likely hide their newfound cash in offshore accounts, too. It’s how those sleazy bastards roll.)

Reason the Third: The route is beyond risky. And if one looks back at previous pipeline projects, the value proposition looks even worse. (Note: when a capitalist rag like Forbes is playing Debbie Downer on the Keystone XL, you know it’s a BAAAD idea.)

Fourthly: The project exists because the Canuckistanis are too smart to put the pipeline on their own land. Yep, you read that right: the project was rejected as a risky boondoggle by the BC government. They’d rather we get the s*** polluted out of ourselves than risk their own water supply. (Reminder: Canadians aren’t really always as nice as we think. Their politicians and plutocrats are just as scummy as ours.)

Fifth (no, not the kind that Boehner likes): Teapublican politicians like the Speaker have money invested in the Keystone scam. Little Johnny B stands to make a huge profit from it, in fact, and he ain’t the only one. And that doesn’t include the huge sums in political bribes “contributions” Teapubbie “representatives” bank from energy companies in order to get their votes bought and their own offshore accounts padded.

Friends, there just isn’t any benefit to America from this project. A very few millionaires and billionaires will make another million/billion bucks, but the vast majority of us will get nothing good from it.

And last time this blogger checked, our country was supposed to be ruled by, you know, the MAJORITY; not a minority of wealthy, inbred, greedheaded, narrow-minded, elitist poltroons. Good on the Prexy for vetoing the Keystone XL.

Mr. Blunt and Cranky