Mr. Blunt and Cranky narrowly avoided projectile vomiting yesterday, as CNN lavished care and sympathy on a pair of disgusting sexual predators after they were found guilty.

They gave little time to, and indeed failed to show even a moiety of concern about, the victim of the Rape Crew’s most recent string of subhuman crimes. Instead, rape cheerleader Candy Crowley was all weepy-eyed at the plight of the poor, poor, pitiful registered sex offenders and how their “futures” have been destroyed.

Hey, Candy-the-rape-afficianado, they chose to rape, torture, kidnap and abuse that poor girl: they destroyed her dreams, you worthless bit of sex-crime-fangirl dung.

Fortunately, scum-sucking perverts like Candy “more-evil-than-Alistair” Crowley are not in charge of rendering justice: responsible adults like Judge Lipps and Ohio Attorney General DeWine are. And they have both made one thing clear:

Unlike those child-rape-supporters at CNN, the State of Ohio’s sympathies lie only with the victims of crime. And there’s gonna be a lot of soiled tightie-whities in Steubenville for a while, because the AG, the Staties, and the computer-crime-lab folks are just getting warmed up.

Meanwhile, boycott those preeves at CNN and let them know why.

Mr. B & C