Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Tom Scott, Marco Rubio, Mike Johanns, Rand Paul, Pat Roberts and James Risch formally announced their uncompromising support for anyone who violently assaults women. They showed their solidarity with rapists, stalkers, wife-beaters and other such scum by voting to kill the Violence Against Women Act; indeed, they didn’t even want it to come to a vote.

You want to know why high-school kids from Ohio to Minnesota think it’s OK to gang-rape girls? Ask these eight Senators who lead by example. By refusing to support legislation that would protect women from violent crime, they endorse the committing of violent crime against women.

“Oh nonono, not at all”,these misogynistic louts cry; “there are other matters to consider, it’s not that we hate women”. All together now, readers: “BulllllllS********t”.

Voting against legislation to help crime victims is voting against crime victims. And that means voting FOR criminals.

And that is how these eight men voted. Their mothers must be so proud.

Mr. B & C